
Thoughts become things

I'm not AWOL ... yet

Wow, It’s been a good two months since my last post here, so I think it’s high time to do a first post for 2017. No I haven’t gone AWOL yet haha.

Life does in fact have a habit of getting in a way.

Professional wise, it has been a bit quiet (December / January festivities in full swing), but now that the festivities are now out of the way it’s time to get down to business.

On the tech side, what have I been up to lately?

  • Discovering new javascript test frameworks Trying out facebook’s javascript test framework called jest. It’s so far the easiest to use. I’ve been mostly writing backend tests for now but, apparently it works with frontend too (supposed to play nicely with react).
  • Discovering new AWS Lambda frameworks Experimenting with the Serverless Framework, also something a bit more lightweight called ClaudiaJS
  • Stripe API development Messing around with Stripe event callbacks to improve the UX for my billing system (without touching the existing payment code)
  • General Housekeeping Migrating and testing all my AWS Lambda services to the newer version of node.js as the old version is getting deprecated.

So what kind of projects am I tackling?

  • Serverless blogging This blog, as well as my food/travel blog. This blog runs off github pages, while the other blog is a jekyll powered site through Amazon S3 and Cloudfront. I’ve recently added the ability to upload photos from my phone to my blog lately.
  • Improved image uploading for my travel blog - I’ve done a good job at automating most of the upload and image resize process, however I do really want to get it to the point that it runs off a serverless platform so I can upload the images straight from my mobile device. Luckily, I have a client project who would probably use this technology so there would be bit of an overlap
  • Automate more of my back office functions for both my consulting business and apartment rental business, so I spend less time on boring stuff and more time on exiting stuff.


Have created and updated the following open source projects.

  • Event Logger - I created this project in order to experiment with Stripe (as well as github) webhooks. Mainly to see what it receives.
  • Stripe Events Webhook - This project spawned from the event logger prokect
  • AWS S3 Signer - This is the backend component for signing temporary tokens WITHOUT exposing your AWS Secret key to the outside world
  • HTML page to AWS S3 bucket - Requires the previous backend component
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